Schedule 2024


You know that feeling when you're completely focused and present, where time seems to stop, your breath deepens, and you feel almost superhuman? Join Adi and Dev as they guide you into that flow state. In this workshop, they’ll share an intermediate-level sequence of poses tailored to help you access and sustain the FlowState. Think progressions that meet you where you are at some you can follow the choreography and have fun while doing it! This sequence goes beyond the basics, introducing more complex transitions and variations that challenge your strength, balance, and coordination. Through thoughtful instruction and hands-on guidance, Adi and Dev will help you refine your skills, pushing your limits while staying connected to the flow. You'll learn how to weave these poses together seamlessly, creating a dynamic, fluid Acroyoga flow that feels fun and playful.

Pre-Fest Schedule
10am-12 pm - First Workshop
12-1pm - Lunch
1-3 pm - Second Workshop
Our Beginnings
Elevate Acro Festival is a Non-Profit (Elevate Acro Association) run festival that was first brought to life in October 2022. We, Aiden, Erica, and Niall, had a vision to create a festival founded in values. We wanted to create an opportunity to elevate the community, each other, and our Acro practices.
Our first 2 festivals have been a roaring success with attendees from across the country and beyond. We are excited to continue building on Elevate in the coming years.

Our Values
Community is at our core. We believe that acro is about so much more than just the physical activity. We want to create events that foster connection, compassion, and care for one another.
Diversity & inclusivity we are committed to celebrating the diversity in our community and creating a more inclusive space for people of different races, ethnicities, sexualities, genders, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses. We acknowledge power dynamics and different levels of privilege in the community and know that there will always be more work to be done to make Elevate more inclusive. Elevate will not tolerate Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, or hate at the festival and recognize that these are systemic and ingrained issues in society.
Growth We know there will always be room for personal and community growth and healing. There will always be things that we can do better to stay in line with our values. We are open to feedback!
Sustainability Environmental, emotional, and financial sustainability are important at Elevate. We want to continue offering this festival year after year and have minimal negative impact on our planet.
Elevate Teachers 2024
Alberta Avenue Community League Hall
Once again, Elevate will be hosted in the cozy, surprisingly large Alberta Ave. Community Hall — just a 5-min drive from downtown Edmonton, a 10-min walk from the LRT and on major bus routes. The large hall is 3,500 sq ft and will be mostly covered with gymnastics mats, while the 1,600 sq ft secondary space is perfect for folding mats. The venue also has a full kitchen with fridges, a third room for child care and meals, and a chill space for community connection and self care.
Meet the Organizers
What should I pack?
Some important things to throw in your bag:
Blankets, sheets, mats, lights for our Community Fort
Warm outerwear (temperature forecast to drop to single digits celcius)
Water bottle
Cash for your Elevate T-shirt ($25 each; we will also accept credit cards)
Chalk and protective gear for wrists, knees, etc.
Sandals (for bathrooms)
Items to soothe sore joints and muscles: lacrosse ball, massage gun, Advil, etc.
Camera (don’t forget to tag @elevateacrofest)
Foldable mat (if you are willing to loan it for community use over the weekend)
Onesie, costume for Saturday night DJ Jam
Dish and cutlery (for those on a meal plan; dishes and cutlery will be available on site)
Swimsuit (for post-fest swim or sauna, if desired)
An open heart!
Do we need to sign up for individual classes?
No you don't! As long as you have a ticket for the day you are good to go. Before every class there will be a demo from the teachers and they will have a couple minutes to talk about the content of their classes. They will outline any pre-requistes to take the class at that time.
Do I need to bring a partner?
No you don't! It can be beneficial to have a calibrated partner for classes if you are pushing your edges but it isn't necessary. In all classes you will be working with groups of 3 or more for spotting. People often switch up who they are working with every class. There are a lot of people who are coming alone and you will find people to work with.
Do I need to bring a mat?
No you don't but if you have a panel mat you are willing to lend the festival let us know! We are renting roll out gymnastics mats for the main hall and have some panel mats for the gym. We can always use more mats.
Can people come watch?
No they can't. We are creating a container in which people are pushing their edges and are in vulnerable spaces. You are absolutely welcome to watch people throughout the festival, but only festival participants, volunteers, and teachers will be allowed in the community center. One exception for this is community members who are injured or currently unable to participate. We have festival pass options available for people who want to attend but not take classes. We encourage you to take lots of videos (please ask someone before taking a video of them) and share them with friends and family.
Is there a microwave and fridge?
There is a fridge available and a microwave at the venue that participants are able to use.
How much do tickets cost?
We have lots of different ticket options for the festival. Please visit our Zeffy page to view current ticket options.
Do I have to do all of the classes?
No you don't! In fact you can leave a class half way through if you are feeling done. Lots of people will be taking breaks when they need them. We have a blanket fort chill space and plenty of small spaces around the community center where you can take a break.
I want to attend, but I don't have the financial means to. Do you have any options for me to attend?
We have volunteer work trades available as well as some financial options if money is a barrier for you to attend. Please see our volunteer page to apply to volunteer or reach out for options. We don't want finances to be a barrier to attendance.
Is childcare available?
Childcare applications are due by September 1st. If you fill out an application by that date childcare will be available for you. If not we will not have childcare available for you. If your kids are old enough to entertain themselves safely on their own they are welcome to be in the space. Kids are welcome to join classes with a parent if they are capable of attending classes designed for adults. If you are planning to do classes with your child they will need to get a ticket for the festival. Please let us know if you plan to bring your kids in any capacity.
Am I allowed to leave and come back?
Yes! Please do, go support the local businesses! Come and go as you please throughout the festival. We will have a door person at all times letting participants in and out of the festival.
Do we stay overnight at the venue?
No, you will need to find somewhere else to stay. We have locals offering up their spaces if you are looking for somewhere. You can join the Facebook group here:
Is the festival beginner friendly?
Yes absolutely! We have beginner friendly class options in every time slot and are one of the most beginner friendly festivals in Canada. We do however recommend having done at least a few acro yoga classes previously to get the most out of the festival. The festival as a first time acro experience will be a lot, but you are definitely welcome to come if you are up for the challenge. If you are looking for beginner classes in your area please reach out and we are happy to connect you to someone teaching if we know anyone in your area.